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You can trust yourself

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You are not a problem to be fixed.

There is nothing wrong with you. In fact, everything you need is already within you. I want to help you connect with your inner wisdom. I want to help you remember your worth, your truth, your joy. I want to help you create a sacred inner space within yourself where you can seek solace no matter what is going on around you. That is the purpose of this book: the work of reclaiming self-love and self-trust so that you can live your life guided by the deep inner knowing that has always been within you.

~ excerpt from My Sacred Pause by Melinda Scime, Ph.D.

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Hello, I’m Melinda,

Author, teacher, and creator of Badass Self-Care®. If you’re ready to move beyond exhaustion and overwhelm and into the space of self-care, I can help.



My Sacred Pause

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What readers are saying…

“Give yourself the gift of healing” is the directive of wisdom that most deeply spoke to me in this book. To take time each day to read and reflect is a gift. To have someone write it all down for me to hold in my own hands is a gift. I am grateful to receive these gifts, and in case you have any doubts you’re worthy of the gift of healing, the author’s got your back there, too.

My Sacred Pause is the perfect addition to my current morning routine. Before I have the chance to start stressing about my day, I give myself that sacred pause. I take its invitation to reflect and carry the messages of the daily passage throughout my day. I appreciate the brevity and ease to which the thoughts are collected and shared. Thank you for this daily gift. ~ Jessica J

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here. Or purchase directly from me by clicking on the button below:


“When I signed up for Badass Self-Care I really wanted to show myself more care. The changes that happened during my time in the program were amazing! I am finally in a place where I truly love myself. It’s the first time I’ve ever been able to say that, even living with chronic illness. Badass Self-Care is truly an amazing program that will change you from within in more ways than you can imagine. Melinda will guide you with love and badassery.” - Mol


What is Badass Self Care ?

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I am the proud creator of Badass Self-Care®, a framework designed to help women unpack the bullshit messaging of patriarchy so that they can reclaim self-love and self-trust.

Hundreds of women have participated in my Badass Self-Care® courses since its launch in 2015.



I believe …

…women gathering together in community creates magic. All women are invited into my work. I aspire to make my courses accessible and welcoming for all because I know diversity brings a powerful richness to our shared spaces. 

I believe …

…we are all worthy and amazing creatures regardless of our age, race, class, gender, ethnicity, ability, and sexual orientation. I acknowledge – and work to challenge – the white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchal, fatphobic, ableist bullshit found in so many “wellness” spaces. 

I believe …

…in self-care and community care. I believe in the importance of doing inner work AND taking action to create change in our world. I believe I have a responsibility to use my privilege to work toward a world that is loving and just for all humans. 

I am always learning.
I will make mistakes.
Please call me in.
I will do the same for you.